By signing an Agreement with DG ECHO, Partners commit to promote the Action and its results by providing targeted information to multiple audiences (including the media and the public), in accordance with the Single Form and in a strategic (i.e. ad hoc efforts are not sufficient), coherent (avoid contradictory messages) and effective (suited to achieving the Action’s communication and dissemination goals) manner. 
Before engaging in any communication or dissemination activity expected to have a major media impact, the Partner must inform DG ECHO’s Regional Information Officers. 
The obligation to perform standard visibility activities means that Partners have to ensure EU visibility on the field and in their communication through: 
Visibility activities refer to the prominent display of the EU emblem with the accompanying text (“Funded/Co-funded by the European Union Humanitarian Aid”, translated into local languages where appropriate) on buildings, equipment, goods to be distributed to beneficiaries, operations materials (e.g. training materials, flyers, notebooks, etc.), clothing items worn by project staff. Only in justified cases (e.g. harm to the safety of project staff or beneficiaries), DG ECHO may agree to exonerate the Partner from such Visibility obligations. In all the other cases, visibility has to be implemented and explained in Chapter 12.1A of the Single Form.
Partners are also requested to acknowledge DG ECHO support provided to the Action through structured and proactive communication geared towards EU audiences at different stages of the project (beginning, during, and at the end of the implementation) with broad dissemination (press releases, social media, webpages, blogs, media interviews or articles about the project), as described in Chapter 12.1.B of the Single Form. Out of the 8 available options, the Partner has to select at least 5.
Any communication activity related to the Action must use factually accurate information and include the EU emblem accompanied with “Funded/Co-funded by the European Union (translated into local languages where appropriate).
The visibility and communication obligations are fully applicable to all co-Partners, their Implementing Partners and subcontractors. The responsibility for ensuring reporting obligations remains with the Coordinator.
When DG ECHO is one of several donors to the Action, as a general rule, EU visibility should be ensured in a proportional manner to its contribution. 
On the visibility section of this website, you can find indications and best practices on how to implement visibility and communication activities.
In case the implementation of visibility activities on the ground may harm the safety of project staff or final beneficiaries, the Partner may request an alternative arrangement in Chapter 14 of the Single Form, to obtain an exemption from visibility obligations. Such request should be introduced at proposal stage or, at a later stage, through a Modification Request. If DG ECHO does not agree with the request, the Partner will be asked to modify Chapter 14 accordingly.
Any lifting in visibility obligations, however, do not stop the Partner from carrying out communication activities described in Chapter 12.1B of the Single Form.
During monitoring visits, DG ECHO staff will check, among other aspects of the Action, whether the Partner is fulfilling its obligations in terms of visibility and communication. If DG ECHO staff cannot find sufficient evidence, a letter will be sent to the Partner to seek clarifications and to request that more efforts are put to advertise the funding.
At the end of the action, within the Final Report, the Partner will have to demonstrate that the contractual visibility and communication obligation has been respected as an integrated part of the Action and throughout the implementation process. This this end, adequate proofs of implementation of visibility and communication activities must be provided.
If a Partner breaches any of its visibility or communication obligations, the grant may be reduced. Such a breach may also lead to other measures (suspension, termination, sanctions, etc.). 
Humanitarian Aid Regulation, Article 18
Model Grant Agreement, Article 17
Annotated Model Grant Agreement, Article 17 Communication, dissemination and promoting the Action
Annex V to the Model Grant Agreement, Article 17
Provisional Annotated Annex 5 (DG ECHO) - Communication, dissemination and visibility
Communication and Visibility Manual