Through the Interim Report the Partner shall provide an update on the status of the implementation of the whole Action regardless of DG ECHO’s contribution, and shall cover up to one month before its submission. The Interim Report can also be used to communicate to DG ECHO any non-essential changes to the Action implemented up to the reporting date. Upon receipt of the report, DG ECHO may request additional information, which need to be provided within 30 calendar days. 
The Interim Report allows DG ECHO to monitor the Action’s implementation, to make sure it is compliant with the Grant Agreement, and, if problems are detected, to decide on possible action. It is expected that the Partner explains how progress values are calculated (in order to ensure consistency with the methodology used at request or approved modification stages) and to analyze whether the activities trend should allow the achievement of the activities / results / objectives.
1. General Information
1.4 Executive summary of the Action. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The summary can be updated to record the changes in the Action since the submission of the previous Single Form-based document. The Partner will not report on progress in here.
2. Project data overview in the country
The numeric data introduced in this chapter at the Interim Report stage should be understood as figures (number of beneficiaries, budget amounts) reached during the reporting period. In case of the first IR - the reporting period runs from the beginning of Action until the moment of submitting the IR. In case of the second IR - the reporting period runs from the moment of submitting the first IR until the moment of submitting the second IR.
2.3.1 [INT] Number of unique beneficiaries. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will provide the number of direct female beneficiaries and direct male beneficiaries targeted during the reporting period per country of implementation.
2.3.2 [INT] Number of unique beneficiaries by sex and age. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will provide the age breakdown of direct beneficiaries (divided according to gender) targeted during the reporting period per country of implementation.
2.3.3 [INT] Number of unique beneficiaries with disabilities. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will provide the number of female and male direct beneficiaries with disabilities targeted during the reporting period per country of implementation.
2.3.4 [INT] Number of unique beneficiaries by profile. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will provide the status breakdown (local population, internally displaced, refugees/asylum seekers, other persons on the move, returnees and in camp or camp like) of direct beneficiaries targeted during the reporting period per country of implementation.
2.3.5 [INT] Number of organisations directly targeted and benefiting from the action. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will provide the number of local and international organisations directly targeted during the reporting period per country of implementation.
2.4 [INT] Sectoral information. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. For each identified sector in the country, the Partner will provide the following information:
- total amount incurred during the reporting period;
- total number of beneficiaries, divided per gender, targeted in the sector during the reporting period;
- update on transfer modalities, detailing the amount incurred and the beneficiaries targeted per specific transfer modality during the reporting period;
- (if applicable) explanation on why cash transfers were not used;
- (only applicable to health, nutrition, protection and education in emergencies sectors): specific information on targeted beneficiaries.
4.Needs assessment and risk analysis
4.5 [INT] Update on needs assessment: This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The Partner will provide as necessary, an update of section 4. In particular, it will provide information on new assessment(s) carried out since the submission of the previous Single Form, including an update on newly emerged risks of on-going crises. 
5. Beneficiaries
5.4 [INT] Update on beneficiaries identification criteria and their involvement. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The Partner will comment and provide, if needed, an update on the beneficiary sections. By sector, the partner should explain 1) how beneficiaries have been targeted, 2) how they have been involved in the implementation and monitoring of the Action. When relevant, the Partner will provide information on difficulties encountered with the selection and involvement of beneficiaries and the corrective measures identified and undertaken due to the beneficiary involvement.
6. Gender and age marker
6.3 [INT] Update on Gender and Age marker. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The mark cannot be updated at Interim Report stage; however, the Partner is requested to provide updated information on each criterion.
7. Logic of intervention
7.2 [INT] Progress value. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will indicate the progress value for each indicator at specific objective level achieved during the reporting period. 
7.2 [INT] Update on indicator, baseline, progress and target value. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. Here the Partner can provide an overall update on progress made towards the achievement of the Specific objective, and if necessary mention difficulties in data collection. If using a pre-defined KOI, the questions listed in the KOI guidance should be responded to here. 
7.3 [INT] Progress value. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The Partner will indicate the progress value, using the correct unit (percentages or absolute numbers) as defined by the indicator, for each indicator at result level achieved during the reporting period. 
7.3 [INT] Update on all the indicators for this result. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. Here the Partner can provide an overall update on progress made towards the achievement of all the indicators of the result, and if necessary mention difficulties in data collection. If using a pre-defined KRI, the questions listed in the KRI guidance should be responded to here. 
7.3 [INT] Update on all the activities for this result. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. Here the partner can provide an overall update on the progresses made in the implementation of the activities during the reporting period. 
7.7 [INT] Update on preconditions, assumptions and risks. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. Here the Partner can provide an update on the assumptions, preconditions and risks. 
8. Resilience marker
8.2 [INT] Update on Resilience marker. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. The mark cannot be updated at Interim Report stage; however, the Partner is requested to provide information on achievements, changes or possible difficulties in any of the elements covered by the 4 questions of the marker.
9. Monitoring and evaluation
9.6 [INT] Update on monitoring and evaluations (including complaint mechanism). This section is optional at Interim Report stage. Here the Partner will only provide an update on the complaint mechanism, monitoring and studies sections if necessary. 
10. Implementation
10.1.1 [INT] Update on human resources and management capacities. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The Partner should provide an update only in case of changes or in cases where Human Resources aspects of the Action may have a negative effect on the implementation of the Action. 
10.3.3 [INT] Update on supply chain. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The partner should provide an update only in case of changes or in case where equipment and goods aspects may have a negative effect on the implementation of the Action. 
10.4.3 [INT] Update on supply chain challenges and mitigation measures. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. If relevant, the Partner can report on the supply chain management main challenges (including environmental dimension) and measures taken to mitigate them.
10.5 [INT] Workplan. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The Partner should upload an updated version of the work plan if needed. 
11. Field coordination
11.5 [INT] Update on field coordination. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The partner will provide updates on the coordination section, only when necessary. For instance, in case of difficulties in coordination aspects of the Action which could have a significant impact on the implementation of the Action. 
12. Visibility, communication and information activities.
12.3 [INT] Update on the progress and on the challenges encountered. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. The partner shall provide an update on the implementation of above standard where applicable. 
13. Financial overview of the Action.
13.1 [INT] Estimated costs. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. Here the Partner will state the amount of incurred direct costs and the corresponding percentage of indirect costs during the reporting period.
13.2 [INT] Percentage of direct eligible costs allocated to the support costs. This section is mandatory at Interim Report stage. Here the Partner will provide the % value of direct eligible costs allocated to support costs for the reporting period.
[INT] Financial annex. This section is optional at Interim Report stage. From a financial point of view, in the interim report, the partner has to update sections 13.1 of the Single Form (estimated costs), section 13.2 (percentage allocated to support costs). The partner may annex an updated budget to the interim report, but it is not mandatory.
16. Conclusions and lessons learned
16.2 [INT] Conclusions and lessons learned at interim report stage. Here the Partner may include any additional comments that are relevant for understanding the state of play of the Action and are not covered by other parts of the Single Form.