Credit: ©European Union 2019 (photographer Bertha Wangar)
Social media communication is a high-impact way of creating visibility among the general public and specific target audiences. It should, therefore, be an integral part of the communication strategy related to any project, and complementing all other planned visibility actions.
Partners are expected to make full use of their social media channels and incorporate ECHO-related posts throughout the life-cycle of projects to provide followers with an interactive or “real time” experience.
To maximise the impact, partners should:
- publish visually attractive content from EU-funded projects, targeted to a non-expert audience of EU citizens on a continual basis. To fulfil the visibility requirements, these posts should specify EU assistance and be posted on accounts with sizable followings;
- tag AND refer to ECHO as the European Union, the EU, EU Humanitarian Aid or EU Civil Protection, which is clearer for the general public;
- like/follow/subscribe to ECHO’s social media platforms:
Remember to use ECHO-related hashtags, when relevant: #EUHumanitarianAid #EUCivilProtection
ECHO encourages the use of content from ECHO’s website and social media platforms provided that ECHO is appropriately credited/tagged.