The aim is show-case to EU citizens the tangible impact of EU-funded humanitarian aid. The European Union’s role must be clearly emphasized by integrating it into the story-line and by including, for instance:
- images of items displaying the EU humanitarian aid visual identity;
- images of an ECHO expert at work in the field;
- an interview with a Commissioner, a senior official or an ECHO expert in the field.
If produced for social media, the videos’ duration and format should follow the current trends and best practices of final dissemination channels.
ECHO should be referred to as the European Union, the EU, EU Humanitarian Aid or EU Civil Protection. Videos must display the EU emblem with the accompanying text “Funded by the European Union” at the end.
Audio-visual productions on humanitarian actions funded by the EU are eligible for visibility funding. ECHO does not finance audio-visual productions whose sole purpose is to promote another organisation.
© The Commission is entitled to use or reproduce, wholly or in part, audio-visual productions made by a partner under a grant or delegation agreement.